Inspire International Academy believes that academic and Co-Curricular activities complement each other and develop a well-rounded, socially skilled, and healthier student. Extra-curricular activities help to develop the whole student.
Students are encouraged to develop their talents, interests, hobbies, skills and techniques through participation in physical, academic, scientific and artistic pursuits.
Parents are invited to support in school involvements in several co-operative and forms and awareness activities.
School faculty share life experiences with students offering assistive personal, social, capacity building services during mentoring & coaching program.
Clubs & Activities
On an annual basis our students participate in many social and co-curricular events including:
Saudi National Day
The National Day of Saudi Arabia is an opportunity to learn about the work of the King Abdulaziz, how he established the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and what he did to unify his country. Therefore, his memory is celebrated in the national day, the celebration is an opportunity to learn the Saudi Arabian heritage, customs and traditions.
International Day
International Day is an open day for parents to share with their children the diversity and cultures of other countries. Classes choose the country they wish to represent. With guidance from teachers, students research the history, tourist attractions, demographics, food, clothes, dances, songs and cultures of the chosen country.
Sport Day
Our Sports Day is a sporting event watched by parents where all students participate and enjoy the spirit of sportsmanship. Participating students are assigned to one of four teams who compete against each other in various activities of strength, stamina, speed and agility.
Fun Day
Our Fun Day is a day for younger children along with their parents to participate in a variety of fun and games. All students participate in games of fun, skill, chance or self-creativity. They are encouraged to wear fancy dress to add to the occasion.
Healthy food day
Adopting healthy eating habits just got easier with awareness of fresh, clean and satisfying meal plans, we encourage our students to share their experiences of healthy food, with fun educational activities.
Hygiene Day
The main purpose of this day is to spread awareness about the act of personal body care, sanitizing hands and its effectiveness in reducing the spread of diseases.
Field Trips
Not all learning is done inside the school campus. There are many opportunities for our students to gain knowledge from outside sources. Field Trips are one way for our students to enjoy a learning experience away for the classroom.
Science fair
A festival of singing, dancing, acting and reciting performed by the students for their parents. This event is to showcase the talents of our students and to see the skills they have acquired about the performing arts.
Coaching Program
The program provides wise and trusted guide and advisors/ mentors for children and young people who are studying under the care of Inspire International Academy.
Parents Involvement Program
Parents are invited to share their careers experiences in classes, to build connections between academic studies and life experiences

Facilities & Environment
Science laboratories – Senior Biology lab, Senior Chemistry lab, Senior Physics lab and a Junior Science lab.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Labs
Classrooms with Interactive Smart Boards
School Multipurpose Auditorium and Hall
Physical Education Room
Art rooms
School Health/Medical Clinic (with a registered nurse)
Indoor Swimming Pool
Covered outdoor football field
Covered outdoor play area
School canteen area